Lost Redux: Welcome, New People! (Please Don't Shoot the Losties)

By Kristin Dos Santos, Jennifer Godwin Feb 08, 2008 7:30 AMTags

If you haven't already tuned up your TiVo and seen Lost's second episode of the season, "Confirmed Dead," then under no circumstances should you read this. But if you have, strap on your parachute and dive on in! 

Jim Spellman/WireImage.com

Kate, Juliet, Jack, Grunny:  I positively wanted to kiss Kate when she almost pulled the gun out of Daniel's pants, just like she did with Sawyer waaaaay back in the pilot. Also, Juliet and Kate giggling at Jack's "wink thing" was hilarious. And speaking of pilots...Grunny! Awesome to see our boy Greg Grunberg, aka the pilot, again, even if was just in a still photo on a TV. Hopefully he can come back for another cameo in the future. Also, Miles going after Juliet kind of freaked me out, but yay for Jack getting in the way.

Eggs!  If you haven't yet called the Oceanic Airlines 815 Crash Hotline, do it. Do it now: 888-548-0034.


  • "Karl! No, if you're going to sleep with my daughter, I insist you call me Ben."
  • "I don't know, Miles, how stupid are you?" —Jack
  • "Sure, who are we to argue with taller ghost-Walt?!"—Sawyer
  • "Crash? What the hell kind of pilot do you think I am? I put her down safe and sound right over there." —Frank


  • The previews promised another Oceanic Six reveal next week, but we will also learn about another major main character who's out in the world in the future, who doesn't fall under that banner. Who is that person? The end of this ep pretty much gives it away.
  • Remember the headspace Sayid was in at the beginning of the series, where he was gonna go straight and not torture people anymore and try to play nice with his fellow man? Well, in the future, that's all shot to hell. Emphasis on shot.
  • When I caught up tonight with Jeff Fahey (Frank the kickass "drunk" pilot), he told me fans have accused him of being God, Satan or some dude who's there to impregnate the women on the island. And the clincher? He hinted that one of those is true. What the hey? For more gorey details on that, check back next week for the video, but in the meantime...
  • Crazy Lost Theory of the Week:  Just a totally wild hunch that could be 100 percent wrong...I think the new people have come to the Island to impregnate all the women because only children born on the Island can own or operate the location's priceless time-travel capabilities. Wait, did I just say time travel? Yes, yes, I did. Tee-hee. Now I'm teleporting out of here before anyone catches me...
Post your own theories below! I just know you smarty pants caught some things we didn't! That's what makes this fun, right?

Lost Redux: "Confirmed Dead"

Favorite boat person?
Daniel Faraday, the sort-of physicist
Miles Straume, the ghostbuster
Charlotte Lewis, the anthropologist
Frank Lapidus, the pilot
Naomi Dorrit, the dead special forces babe
George Minkowski, the guy on the other end of the sat phone

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