It's Not Too Late! How You Can Get In on AMC's Mad Party

By Kristin Dos Santos Jan 15, 2008 11:33 PMTags
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Who knew? AMC—yes, the old-movie channel—became the new HBO while we weren't looking. Mad Men just won a couple of major Golden Globes, including Best Actor in a TV Drama (Jon Hamm) and Best Drama Series (the biggie!), and many of you who weren't paying attention to the critics' love before are now writing in to ask: What in the world is Mad Men, and how can I see it?

Here, I'm tackling your Q's about this mad Mad world and also giving you a peek at yet another fantastic new AMC series, Breaking Bad, which premieres this Sunday...Don't look now, but AMC is so on a roll.

Kathleen in Covington, Kentucky: Any chance Mad Men will be shown from the beginning now that it won the Golden Globe for Best Drama? I see it on but definitely don't want to start in the middle of the season!
Yes! I'm thrilled to report that repeats of Mad Men will air each Sunday at midnight, following the all-new Breaking Bad, which airs at 10 p.m. Sundays. Set your TiVos, people—I swear you won't regret it.

Bob in Brownsville, Texas: Mad Men won! Yes! This is the type of show you should be telling us about! Who is going to be checking out AMC? It's seriously not on our radar! I will be watching Dexter because of your reporting, but please report more on shows like Mad Men. Thank you!
Hey now, I was all over Mad Men this summer! And I might talk to creator Matt Weiner again in the very near future, so if you've got any new Q's about the future of the show, email me at, and I'll try to get you A's! And since you mention AMC not being on the radar of most TV series watchers, I guess I better repeat that their second TV series, Breaking Bad, premieres Sunday night, and you should definitely check it out.

Mary in Hoboken, New Jersey: Is Breaking Bad going to be any good? I mean, AMC did bring us the smart and intriguing Mad Men, but they also play Waterworld more than any network should. What's the scoop on the new show?
For those of you who don't know, AMC's new series stars Bryan Cranston (the dad from Malcolm in the Middle) as a chemistry teacher in the southwestern U.S. who starts using his science background to cook high-grade meth and earn a little extra cash.

So, is Breaking Bad good? Well, I should tell you that going in, I was hesitant about the show, seeing as how (a) the plot and themes were suspiciously Weedsy, and (b) really, who wants to have to think of their high school chemistry teacher as a person? Anyway, while watching the pilot, I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop—for the moment when the show tipped from edgy and realistic to depressing and off-putting. I am thrilled to report that moment never came, and after the credits rolled I realized I suddenly cared very much about what happens next. In short, yes, it's totally good.

Time will tell if the quality keeps up, but so far, AMC is two for two.

—With reporting by Jennifer Godwin

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