Everything You Want to Know About Butt Implants

Here's the facts

By Alanah Joseph May 08, 2017 10:34 PMTags
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Hollywood likes big butts and it cannot lie.

Now, we're not here to say whose butt is real or fake. It's really not our business. Unlike the normalcy of the breast implants, buttock augmentation is still taboo, and celebs haven't been forthcoming in their plastic pursuits—totally understandable. But, if you're anything like us, you've been fascinated by the rise of big booties.

Cue Dr. Sheila Nazarian, the celeb-loved plastic surgeon that's helping women reach their butt goals. "I think that buttock augmentation has really become a trend in the last five to 10 years," she told E! News. "I usually get women complaining of lack of fullness and sagging. They usually put pressure on the lower part of their buttock to push their butt up while looking in the mirror."

The doctor finds her profession to be the intersection of science and art, allowing her to literally sculpt the bodies of her patients. "My patients are looking for some fullness and a lift. They do not want anyone to know they had anything done," she revealed. "They want it to look natural."

There are a number of ways to perfect the bottom, including exercise, Sculptra injections, fat injections and implants. But, implants are not the doctor's preferred procedure. Infection, asymmetry, bleeding, scarring and rotation of the implant are major risks. "I prefer Sculptra and fat injections. I think they have a lower risk profile and look better," the physician explained.

Sculptra injections are made up of lactic acid particles that stimulate collagen growth, originally approved by the FDA as a solution to facial gauntness in AIDS patients. This procedure, which costs from $6,000 to $18,000+ per session, doesn't have any healing time, so you can make an appointment and continue on your merry way. However, the results will take at least 2-3 months. After the growth period, the new bodacious booty will last up to five years.

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Fat injections are more of a "two birds with one stone" kind of deal. Dr. Nazarian takes 250-400 mL of fat via liposuction from the upper and lower back, abdomen, thighs, arms, double chin—anywhere the client would like to thin. She then rinses fat and re-injects it into each buttocks. Cheaper than Sculptra, this procedure starts at $8,000, but be prepared, because you won't be able to apply any direct pressure (Think: no sitting for long periods of time) for about two weeks. With the high price and potential risks, why have these procedures become so popular? "I think we would be amiss to deny the influence the Kardashians have had," the doctor remarked.

Mystery solved! What do you think about the rise of butt augmentation? Tell us below! 

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