Hump-Day Double Feature: Beauty and the Breast & Body and the Beast

By Kristin Veitch Apr 11, 2007 6:58 PMTags
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Only two more days ‘til Friday, so you know what that means: It’s hump day! And time for the latest installment of the almighty Stumper. This week, I’m coming at you with two scandalous tales of scantily clad anatomy. See if you can guess who’s who.

Beauty and the Breast
This perky and vivacious Beauty has gotten a taste of fame thanks to a certain TV show I know some of you love. She’s bubbly, she’s lively and she’s now...bouncy. According to insiders, Miss Beauty missed a recent public event on her doctor’s orders, because she’d just undergone breast-enlargement surgery, at her boyfriend’s suggestion. Let’s hear it for the boob tube!

Body and the Beast
This actor, who stars in a TV show we’ve talked about here in WWK Central, has a Body so hot, he turns heads of both the female and male variety. So, naturally, he’d be a little, er, proud of his rippling assets. But a recent wave of gym incidents might prove Mr. Body has some kind of freakish obsession. During a five-day stint, separate friends of mine spotted Body at not one, not two but three different gyms in the L.A. area, taking off his shirt and flexing his pecks in front of the mirror, while glancing around to see who was watching. The "beast" of the situation, naturally, is that we all were not there!

Got guesses? Well, post ‘em below. And if you see Body, for crying out loud, send out an alert.

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