Netflix Invents Halloween Hack That Lets You Pass Out Candy Without Having to Pause Your Shows

It's called the Halloween Doorbell and it's very nifty

By Dominique Haikel Oct 25, 2016 7:38 PMTags
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You love Halloween, but you also love your Netflix. You promised bae you'd get into the spirit and chill with some Stranger Things, but that means you'll both have to miss out on passing out candy. Or does it? Netflix released a handy hack so you can get in on both. It's called the Netflix Halloween Doorbell, and it is perfect for solving this dilemma. Basically, it's a spooky DIY doorbell that allows you to stay inside with your scary movies, but still be the coolest candy giver on the block. If you're a do-it-yourself wizard, this project is for you. In short, you build your Halloween doorbell to fit around your existing one, pick your favorite Netflix show theme song for it to play, and chose a LED message to direct your visitors to the candy you've laid out on your doorstep. The motto for the doorbell is perfect.

Stars Celebrate Halloween 2016

"Have your Netflix. And treat them too," couldn't be more fitting. In other words, you get to do what you want, without looking like that one lame neighbor with their lights off. 

Of course, there's another very interesting reason Netflix decided to invent this device. It turns out, the rate in which people pause Netflix increases around the states when it comes time for Halloween, the streaming service said in a press release. It makes total sense too, as viewers have to constantly pause their show and answer the doorbell to pass out candy. What better way to avoid becoming one of those sorry statistics than to use this bad boy.

Making your doorbell requires a certain kind of skill, however. If you know someone or happen to be educated in programming and the building of electronics, you'll be able to execute this project. Hey, even if you don't know how to do those things, there's no harm in trying, right? "We love Halloween and hope that our tips help Americans either to scoop up as much candy as they possibly can or to enjoy their favorite scream-reel on Netflix without too many hair-raising interruptions," Dr. Heathcliff Barr, Chief Candy Officer at Netflix said. Nice work, Netflix. Nice work indeed. 

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