Heroes Redux: I Have a Message for You

By Kristin Veitch Oct 24, 2006 6:46 AMTags
Heroes, Adrian PasdarNBC/Mitch Haaseth

I have a message for you. This show rocks.

Even though it seems that the roulette dealer, sadly, has been written off our beloved Heroes (perhaps she’s part of a bigger conspiracy that will turn into a spinoff) , I truly think this show is getting better with every passing week.  

Just to make sure we’re all on the same Heroes-loving page, allow me to share what we learned from tonight’s fantastic fifth episode. (I’m gonna get a wee bit spoilery, so beware.)


1. Future Hiro teleported from the future to the present with a message for Peter and asked Peter to pass that message along to Here-and-Now Hiro. That message, of course, was "save the cheerleader, save the world." I find it fascinating for many reasons, but the primary one is potentially so spoilery, I must post it at the very end.  

2. Nathan can fly! And he’s also wholeheartedly smitten with Niki’s alter ego. Mrs. Petrelli (Rena Sofer) is gonna be so pissed. 

3. D.L. (Micah’s father and Niki’s husband) is back in the picture and can alter matter. (And by the way, as you can now see for yourself, he is not the same person as the mind-eraser guy, as some of you had guessed.) Dad. L.’s power will make it pretty dang hard for Micah and Niki to escape, but something tells me he's not as evil as he seems. 

4. Ditto on Horn Rimmed Glasses (aka Claire’s dad) on the not-so-evilness. (Stay tuned for more on that.) 

5. Somebody needs to hook up Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli) with the number for 1-800-Contacts! Sorry, but the special effects of his weird, glowy eyes made me giggle. Still, I dug the twist that Peter completed the picture of what would happen to the cheerleader. And I can tell you the massive, shadowy figure in it is indeed Sylar. And speaking of…

BIG, SPOILERY THEORY: Read only if you want to know 

Just a little something to get you thinking—and realizing how good this show is gonna be. Okay, you know how it’s clear now that Peter can "borrow" other heroes’ powers when he’s around them? Well, what if the Big Bad could do the same but in a different manner? And what if the Big Bad somehow managed to get the power of "the cheerleader"? That would be a pretty bad day for Peter, would it not? Not to mention the entire world.

I know. I just blew your mind wide open, right? 

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