Did The Walking Dead's Boss Just Confirm 2 Deaths in the Season 7 Premiere?

Executive producer Greg Nicotero makes a surprising word choice that just might have revealed a major TWD spoiler

By Billy Nilles Sep 09, 2016 10:15 PMTags
The Walking Dead, Jeffrey Dean MorganAMC

We've still got a little over a month to go until the season seven premiere of The Walking Dead, which means that we've got weeks and weeks left to agonize over the fact that come October 23, we'll be forced to say goodbye to one of Rick's gang when the show finally reveals who was on the receiving end of Negan's brutal bat attack. 

But what if the show has something even more devastating up its sleeve? What if the body count is even higher?

After reading a new interview with executive producer Greg Nicotero, we think that just might be the case.

The Walking Dead's Biggest Changes From Comics to TV

While defending the controversial decision to wrap up season six with that whopper of a cliffhanger in the season finale (an episode he directed) for the umpteenth time, this time with EW, Nicotero made a surprising word choice that's definitely raising some eyebrows. "I would have still supported doing it the way that we did it, because of the fact that the story doesn't end there. If we would have shown the deaths, then they wouldn't have felt our characters in season seven the way they need to. And the thing that I think a lot of people will get out of it is how that moment changes the entire makeup of our universe within a split second," he said. "And it's that moment that launches our entire season seven into that direction."

Excuse us—deaths?!

Could this have just been a poor word choice? Sure. After all, considering the great lengths everyone working on the AMC thriller goes to keep every little twist under lock and key, it seems highly unlikely that Nicotero would spill the beans in such a careless manner. 

But with a villain as unpredictable as Negan and a show as willing to shake things up when adapting from its source material, anything can happen. Including the decision to off more than one character in one fell swoop. We're preparing for the worst.

What's your take? Is this all a misunderstanding or did we just get one hell of a season seven spoiler? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The Walking Dead returns Sunday, Oct. 23 at 9 p.m. on AMC.

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