Take a Closer Look at This Woman's Selfie If You Want Nightmares for Life

Reddit is going nuts over this photo that has something ridiculously creepy in the background

By Jenna Mullins May 16, 2016 10:07 PMTags
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Have you heard the urban legend about what happens when you take a mirror selfie three times in a row? Supposedly, as soon as you snap that third pic, the ghost of Karen, the girl who died taking too many mirror selfies for her MySpace page will appear behind you! And the only way to get rid of her is promise you'll put her in your Top 8 friends and that you'll post Dashboard Confessional lyrics on her wall every other day!

Fine, we made that up but one look at this photo that's currently terrorizing the Internet and you'll be inclined to believe that kind of story.

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"Please tell me that is your shy daughter," a reddit user wrote when sharing this image of a woman snapping a pic of her own reflection. Do you see what's got them so spooked?

If you don't see it yet, take a closer look. Closer...


There she is! Or should we say, there IT is! What is that? WHAT IS THAT?!

It looks too ghostly and see-through to just be a silly friend posing behind her. And before you start debunking this creepy AF situation by talking about lighting and exposure and all that, may we remind you about Karen the Mirror Selfie Ghost?!

Sorry, but we really want to make a movie about Karen. Tim Burton, call us. We're thinking Johnny Depp and Kristen Stewart. You're welcome, Hollywood!

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Is it just us or the thing behind her sporting a mischievous grin? And what's with the glowing eyes? What are you plotting, Karen?!

In short:

So next time you want to take a mirror selfie because you truly believe Instagram needs to see your on point OOTD, think twice. Because Karen might be lurking behind you, ready to ruin your perfect photo foreverrrrr...

Celebrity Selfies

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