Beat Ben @ the Box Office: One Hell of a Hero

Readers battle our movie dude over the box office take for Hellboy II: The Golden Army

By Ben Lyons Jul 10, 2008 6:44 PMTags
Hellboy IIUniversal Pictures

Haven't you noticed? It's the Summer of the Fanboy, with Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Wanted and next week's The Dark Knight bringing all kinds of superhero action. Now comes the return of visionary director Guillermo del Toro, with his twist on the genre, Hellboy II: The Golden Army.

The first film was a modest success in 2004 ($60 million domestic, with a $23 million opening weekend), and del Toro has since blown up huge: His Pan's Labyrinth scored six Oscar noms (and three wins), and he recently landed the gig directing two movies based on The Hobbit.

So look for Hellboy II: The Golden Army to surprise the industry and pull in $32.5 million this weekend. The first one has been huge on DVD, and heroes rule the summer.

Plus, does anybody care about a little Eddie Murphy inside Eddie Murphy? Gimme a break. Put your numbers up in the comments, and we'll see who's really, like, super.

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