
The Last Man on Earth Stages the Family Reunion Everyone's Been Waiting For

Exclusive: Watch Will Forte and his TV brother Jason Sudeikis finally reunite

By Jean Bentley Apr 07, 2016 3:00 PMTags

Reunited and it feels so…violent! The Last Man on Earth has teased a family reunion for some of the survivors since the beginning, when we learned that while Will Forte's Phil Miller drove around on Earth trying to find other members of the living, his brother, Mike (Jason Sudeikis), was stuck in space with only his science experiment worms around to keep him company.

But now Mike has not only managed to make it back to land, he's also found the survivors at their beachfront home in Malibu—and Sunday's episode ended with the two brothers racing toward each other, presumably for an embrace. Well, until Phil punched his younger brother in the groin.

E! News has gotten a hold of the next part of the long-awaited family reunion and it's anything but glorious. As you can see in our exclusive sneak peek, we find out why their greeting was less than cordial: a girl. Not even a girlfriend, either—just a crush.


"I come down from space after everyone in the whole world has died, and you're talking about Christine?" asks Mike, incredulously.

Naturally, everyone else is as horrified as they should be when someone greets their long-lost family member with a fistfight instead of a gigantic, tearful hug—especially after an apocalyptic plague has pretty much wiped out most of the human race.

Press play on the video above to watch the reunion, and to find out that "friggin' turd" is an insult that runs in the Miller family.

The Last Man on Earth airs Sundays at 9:30 p.m. on Fox.

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