Mail Nurse: You Can't Attend a Taping of The Soup

Fans write personal entreaties to us, we post our responses publicly

By Clog Narter Jul 11, 2008 7:25 PMTags
Joel McHale, Mail NurseE! Network

Hgjrja asks: How do I get tickets to taping?
Unbelievable. Click here. Read. Please tell your friends.

booner90 asks: I think a way you can tell that a show is starting to get pretty popular is that you can find your show on torrent websites. So congrats from the Black Market community! YAY!!!
Hurrah! We're as popular as child slavery and pharmaceutical heroin!

Alixhartmann asks: Who'd you rather: Ryan Seacrest or Joel Mchale?
There seems to be a verb missing in that question, Alixhartmann. But we're no fools. We can fill in the blank. We know what you're really asking here, and the answer, of course, has to be Joel. We'd look pretty silly with a giant picture of Ryan Seacrest tattooed on our chest.

kabc401 asks: I just want you guys to know how much I enjoy and look forward to your show. You're the best.
Uh...You're not giving us much to work with here, kabc401.

Hollywood Records

amanda21238 asks: The soup guy, This is about a recent The soup show. How dare you! Why did you make fun of The Jonas Brothers, and Camp Rock?? That was totally un-called for. I am disguisted with the crude humor. Camp Rock is amazing and Jb are so freaking hot and talented. Why? Why? Why? I think you need to apologize to all the Jonas fans, the CR cast and JB themselves. No <3 WHATSOEVER!
The only thing that we agree with you here is that 'no' is less than 3. Unassailable, that.

sweet_nothings_023 asks: So...I don't exactly know what to ask, it's just that the thought of being replied to simply thrills me. Ugh, my boyfriend is currently trying to convince me to have sex...any ideas on how to deter him?
This is by far the most unusual question we've ever received. Well, we've meet every challenge. So, the only advice we feel qualified to offer is to tell you that if you're feeling uncertain, it's probably better to wait. Unless your boyfriend's name is Clog Narter.

senglish421 asks: Joel, Would you ever go on 'Dancing With The Stars'? p.s.- WEAR YOUR TIGHT PANTS ON THE SHOW!
Joel on DWTS? I'd think the FCC would frown on that. It seems like a serious, Pete Rose-level conflict of interest, doesn't it? As for the second half of your question, we think that you'd only be disappointed by seeing Joel in tight pants. Oh, it’s not that he wouldn't look good in them. Quite to the contrary. He's a very attractive man. That's not the problem. It's just that we think it would only serve to worsen the intense feelings of loneliness and desperation that already overwhelm every moment of every day of your life.

ashgil514 asks: I have two questions, Did Mankini get a hair cut or is did you just get a new one? If you did get a new one, can i have the old mankini?
Ha! Get a new one? You make it sound like there's some kind of bizarre outlet mall, somewhere on the outskirts of Los Angeles where we drive up in an unmarked van and trade enriched uranium to three masked men in exchange for a Ukranian refugee we force into conscripted service as Mankini. You've got a wild imagination.

Raidertimlives asks: Is Lou fixed? I have a 1 & a half year old, 4.3 pound Female Chihuahua if you are interested in breeding.
Romance is dead. *sigh*

Neda Rafih/ZUMA Press

tboone246 asks: Were you recently in Hawaii at Turtle Bay Resort?
As a matter of fact, Joel was in Hawaii last month filming The Informant, a major big-time Hollywood film directed by Steven Soderbergh and costarring Matt Damon and Scott Bakula. Strangely, everything in that last sentence was absolutely true.

xknightschickx asks: is joel taller than everyone else who works for the soup?
Not if we all stand on top of each other's shoulders.

hayes_8200 asks: Are there any plans for Joel to come to Atlanta to do his act?
Not as of now, but if you feel like you need to see Joel before we all go blind this Thanksgiving, you could drive to Orlando, Tampa or Fort Pierce in the first weekend of October. Or keep checking here relentlessly for updates.

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