Who Can Challenge Suri as a Celeb Perennial?

Take our poll to let us know which persistent storyline can top TomKat Jr.

By Jefferson Reid Dec 29, 2008 1:10 AMTags
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Maybe we overdo it sometimes, but E! works hard to quench your thirst for the adorable. Which is why we strive to keep you abreast of the latest in Suri Cruise "news," like in this picture where she's taking Mommy and Dolly out clubbing in Manhattan. Okay, okay, they were going to see Bolt, but for a kid that's kinda like clubbing.

Still, thinking about cute-and-a-half little Suri got us to wondering: What other constantly covered stories can't we live without? Help us answer that question by taking the poll below or sounding off in our comments section. As a reward, here are more cute pictures of Suri.


No. 1 of the Overdone

Which perennial celeb story never gets old?
Brad loves Angie
Angie loves Brad
Brad and Angie love their kids
Kanye's tantrums
Britney, Britney, Britney!

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