Tom Cruise: "I Very Much Like Romance"

The actor reveals to Ryan Seacrest his plans for Katie Holmes' 30th birthday and dispenses some relationship advice along the way

By Peter Gicas Dec 17, 2008 8:10 PMTags
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Katie Holmes is turning the big 3-0 on Thursday, and Tom Cruise is clearly making all the right moves.

"I've got some things planned tonight, and I've been surprising her throughout the week with things," the Valkyrie star told Ryan Seacrest on his KIIS-FM radio show this morning, noting that his gal will "be onstage" performing in the Broadway show All My Sons on her actual birthday.

Impressed by his romantic side, both on- and offscreen, Seacrest asked Hollywood's top gun for a little advice on how to successfully get the girl at hello…

"You gotta know the right things and pay attention throughout the year and just know your lady," instructed Cruise. "The flowers, what kind she likes, and set it up at the right time. Timing."

But he pointed out that "it's wrong" to file these little details in your BlackBerry for future reference.

"You have to be careful with the BlackBerry, because I've been working on the BlackBerry with these different things that I have set up for her and, of course, she's right there and she knows my BlackBerry code," said Cruise, adding with a laugh, "So I've been very cautious about that. So that's a no. You don't want to do that, OK, bachelor? Total no!" 

Spoken like a secret-keeping pro.

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