Chris Pratt Reflects on His Success, Encourages His Fans to Make Their Dreams a Reality: "I Never Had a Plan B"

"Apply constant pressure for as long as it takes. It will break before you do. Go get it," the actor writes on Instagram

By Zach Johnson Jan 27, 2016 12:00 PMTags
Chris Pratt, Guardians of the GalaxyMarvel

Chris Pratt is counting his blessings.

It's not often that the actor is able to take a moment to reflect on his life, given his responsibilities as an actor, a father and a husband, but when does, he gets pretty profound. Pratt, 36, took to Instagram early Wednesday morning to think about his success and to encourage his fans to pursue their dreams until they come true.

After posting a picture of his early morning commute, he wrote, "It's 3:20am. I got picked up for work at 6:45am yesterday. I'm not good with math, especially after being up for approximately 61 hours but I think I've been up for over 77 hours. I did a table read for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 this morning and then shot all day on Passengers and just now wrapped some 144 hours later. Weirdly both films, which I'll be shooting back to back, are being shot in Atlanta at Pinewood studios. We have the best crew. Total rock stars busting their asses. And the stuff we're shooting. My God. I can't wait for you to see it," Pratt wrote. "I go back in in about 8 hours to do more."

"I am doing what I love. It doesn't feel like work. Even though it is. I'm having fun. I'm overcome with joy and gratitude. I felt like posting this to say to anyone out there chasing your dream...Fifteen years ago I felt the same passion I feel today, but I had very little opportunity. I had to hustle hard and go hungry. I had to eat sardines and figure out how to get gas money. And I never had a plan B," the actor continued. "I never stopped believing. Ever. Don't give up. Apply constant pressure for as long as it takes. It will break before you do. Go get it."

A photo posted by chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) on

When Pratt was able to stop and smell the roses last summer, he confessed that it felt "pretty weird" to be so successful in such a quick succession. In the last two years, for example, he's starred in three of the highest-grossing movies: The Lego Movie, Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World. Without his family, Pratt might not be so grounded. "My brother is super supportive and always has been. He has hugely shaped who I am today. He gives me s—t and keeps me grounded which is nice. But it's an interesting situation because sometimes it's the people that are closest to you that it can be hardest on. They're like, 'What the f—k dude? How did you stumble into an awesome acting career when I'm working 40 hours a week at a job that I don't necessarily love just to barely keep my head above water?' It happened to me and I'm grateful, but I know that it can be extra hard on people that are closest to me, because it gives you some sort of skewed perspective," he told The Talks. "It would have been different if I were younger, so I think there is a reason that it's happening now."

"I've gleaned enough wisdom through some experiences to understand what is going on a little bit and hopefully not become a huge toolbox through all of this. I think when you are younger and hit a certain level of success you can lose perspective really quickly," Pratt continued. "I've struggled enough and it's been a slow enough growth that I'm not going to freak out or anything. Hopefully! We'll see. Mark my words...'Chris Pratt found naked high on meth on I-405 claiming he was abducted by aliens.' We'll see when I have my mental breakdown. We'll come back to this interview."

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