Best Makeup for Acne: How to Look Fierce While Battling Breakouts

Say hello to a clear complexion!

By Raleigh Burgan Jan 22, 2016 9:08 PMTags
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When it comes to trouble skin, it's always a feat to find the right cosmetics. Won't disguising blemishes with makeup irritate skin? Yes and no. It's all about the tools you use—avoid oil-based products and stick to these nine brands that have been specifically designed to clear your acne while covering it.

From Smashbox's Photo Finish Primer to Neutrogena's SkinClearing Liquid Makeup, these products will keep the breakout at bay. Most are oil-free or non-comedogenic, which means their ingredients won't clog your pores, and contain salicylic acid to remove excess oil and dead cells from your skin's surface. Not every pick will be for you, so keep this in mind: If you have dry skin, skip the powders (they'll only make you more dry), and if your skin is on the oily side, you're going to need a lighter primer. 

In the meantime, wash your brushes, put a healthy spin on your diet, sleep on clean pillows, drink lots of water and keep your hair tied back. That formula should tide your skin over while we find the right makeup for you, right this way

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