15 Questions We Have After Tonight's Secret-Filled Pretty Little Liars

Could Ezra be a murderer? Does Emily have cancer?

By Lauren Piester Jan 20, 2016 2:46 AMTags
Pretty Little LiarsFreeform

Real talk, guys: Pretty Little Liars is better than ever.

We knew after last week's premiere that the time jump was an excellent idea, but tonight's episode just proved that this story is just much better from an adult perspective.

"Charlotte's Web" dealt with the aftermath of Charlotte's death, and it's beginning to look like everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.

Spencer wrote a paper in college about a case that exactly matched the exact same way that Charlotte was killed, and both Aria and Ezra were walking around together at the exact time that Charlotte was killed. Ezra claims he went home after they parted, but she could tell he was lying, and has now started looking into the disappearance and death of his girlfriend. Ali, meanwhile, seems to be going to the police to change her opinion on whether one of her friends could be guilty for Charlotte's murder, and we're sensing new relationships left and right. 

As usual after an episode of Pretty Little Liars, we've got a lot of questions:

What illness does Emily have and how worried should we be?

Didn't Aria say last week that she wasn't seeing anyone or did we make that up? If she did, why is she hiding Liam from her friends?

If Aria and Liam are so worried about their boss knowing about them, shouldn't they stop making out in the office?


Did that dude at the end say "sorry for your loss, sir?" Can we infer that Uber A is a dude? Or is this more like a military-style sir and Uber A is a high-ranking official?

Did we sense a spark between Emily and the coffee shop girl?

How much do you want to bet that Sara Harvey's hands are not as unusable as she claims they are?

Is Hanna's fiancé everything he appears to be? Because everything he appears to be is tall, dark, handsome, and perfect, but things are almost never what they seem to be on this show.

How did Aria get to be so good at pairing patterns?

Could Ezra have actually killed Charlotte? Our relationship with this dude has been so up and down over the years but we'd really like to believe he hasn't gotten all murderous.

Could Aria actually be guilty? Her attempt to "clear the air" with Ezra certainly seemed incredibly guilty. 

Are there some sparks (or more) between Spencer and Caleb? We don't hate it. We should, but we don't, especially if Hanna's fiancé turns out to be a cool dude.

Can we get some flashbacks to Spencer and Caleb's adventures in Spain? They sound lovely.

Was Ali's "grace" the most threatening prayer you've ever heard?

Is it weird that we've already rewatched the last few minutes of the episode multiple times because we liked the song?

Who the hell did it? And who would we be OK with having done it?

Pretty Little Liars airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on Freeform.

What questions do you have after tonight's episode? Weigh in in the comments below! 

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