Happy Birthday, Jared Leto: A Tale of His Perfect Hair in Pictures, From My So-Called Life to Suicide Squad

Blue-eyed Oscar winner has rocked every style, and we all have our preferences

By Natalie Finn Dec 26, 2015 2:00 PMTags
Jared LetoDara Kushner/INFphoto.com

Jared Leto can pull off pretty much any look, what with having a perfect face and all.

And the Oscar winner—who inexplicably turns 44 today—has rocked 'em all, from sensitive-bad-boy high school student and cornrowed psycho to artistic alt-rocker and bat-crazy Joker.

We of course have our preferences (let's just say, long and flowing wins the race), but no matter what color, length or genre Leto is sporting at any given time, he sports it with conviction. Not content to rest on his lock laurels, he's gone from braidable to Lagerfeld platinum to fluorescent green to pink and back again.

So to treat ourselves—and you—on this special day, enjoy this history of Jared Leto's ever-fabulous hair in pictures.


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