Emo Kylo Ren Is the Star Wars Parody You Need This Christmas

Happy Holidays, from the Force.

By Seija Rankin Dec 23, 2015 6:53 PMTags
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Do you ever head home for the holidays and find yourself feeling a little, well, blah?

You're faced with endless questions from relatives about the state of your career, financials and relationships (all of which are not exactly up to par with expectations). You suddenly lose all the autonomy you're used to in your life away from home ("Mom, I know how to make coffee, you don't have to hover over me!"). And you're faced with the memories of all the high school hardship and heartache you had to endure in this very bedroom—and a music selection limited to only Savage Garden's "Truly, Madly, Deeply" isn't helping.

Enter Emo Kylo Ren. Seriously.

This new Twitter account is not only a genius work of Star Wars fandom-meets-parody, but it will make you realize that you're not actually that emo after all. This is a true case of moodiness. 

Most of us are still under the impression that Anakin Skywalker is the true angst-ridden member of the Star Wars cast, but Emo Kylo Ren (a.k.a. @KyloR3n) makes a pretty good case. Without giving away any major spoilers (which will come when you read the account), fake Kylo's tweets paint him to be a modern day YouTube-commenting, parent-hating teen. 

Sure, he may be a villain in The Force Awakens, but on Twitter he just loves Hot Topic. Have a look for yourself. 

The account has only been active for two days, and has already amassed over 80,000 followers. It's safe to say that, at this time of year, a lot more people find themselves relating to this guy. Sorry, Han Solo.

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