What to Binge-Watch This Holiday Season Based on Your Travel Plans

Staying in? Hopping on a cross-country flight? We've got you covered!

By Tierney Bricker Dec 16, 2015 5:00 PMTags
Scream QueensFox

Break out the sweats because we're about to get our binge on. 

It's the holiday season, people, which means most of our favorite TV shows are taking a well-deserved break while the masses celebrate and binge on way too much food. (JK, there's no such thing as too much peppermint bark.)

But before the fun can begin, you've got to get to the place where said fun is happening, which usually means traveling. Ugh. But fret not, we are here to help you pass the time by recommending TV shows (that are currently on the air or just ended this season) for you to watch. And if you are staying put, we've got options for you, too. And don't worry, we've for you covered if you're looking for something to help ignore your family, too. 

Here's what we suggest you watch depending on your plans this holiday season...


Staycation: Can't travel home for the holidays due to your busy schedule or pricey flights? Spend some time in Westeros and binge the crap out of the entire series. You'll finally be able to weigh in on all the Jon Snow theories and realize  that sometimes families aren't all that great anyway! Win-win. (Back-up: The Walking Dead, which is TV's other juggernaut dominating all the social media chatter.)

Diyah Pera/The CW

Avoiding your family on Christmas Day: 1,440 minutes in a day. Your mission is to avoid your family for all of them minus one or 90 for food. Our answer? Binge the ridiculously underrated The 100, which has aired 29 episodes so far, and at 42 minutes apiece, you are looking at 1,218 minutes of the holiday. Boom.

Flight over 10 hours: Mr. Robot. Listen, this is a show you NEED to pay attention to. And flights? Hella boring. Perfect pairing is perfect.


Preparing to visit your late teen or twentysomething friends/cousins/nieces whatever: Scream Queens. Don't know what a "div" or an "idiot hooker" is? Then prepare to be called one! You can catch up on the entire series in only 13 episodes, or if you're short on time: Watch the first three and the finale and you'll still get the gist and cry laughs galore from Emma Roberts, Glenn Powell and Niecy Nash.


Extended stay with your family: Get a break from your own family drama and hop into the world of the Bravermans on Parenthood. Guaranteed to either make you mad you're not part of their family or thankful you're part of yours.

Road trip: Only if you're not driving, of course. But if you are already counting down the days until The Bachelor premiere on Monday, Jan. 4, you MUST binge the crap out of Lifetime's unREAL, which was created by Sarah Gertrude Shapiro, a former producer. Basically, it's all the behind-the-scenes shenanigans that goes down on a show ridiculously similar to the ABC franchise, and it was one of the best shows, new or returning, of the year. Depending on how long your drive is and/or traffic, the entire series should fill your time there and back. 


Cross-country flight: Have about six hours to fill? Say hello to the perfect travel companion: Aziz Ansari's hit Netflix comedy Master of None. The 10 episode series is the perfect time-killer to help you ignore your obnoxious seatmate who keeps getting up to use the restroom. (Perfect supplementary entertainment: Ansari's book about dating, Modern Romance.)


Avoiding the expectations of New Year's Eve: How to Get Away with Murder…but only season two, so far. Say whaaa?! Hear us out. Season one is, of course, a fun ride, but really, you only need to start from the beginning of this season, which is just so bats—t crazy-good. Trust us, you want don't want to be any alter than you already are to Viola Davis' party. And you'll be so entertained you won't even notice when the clock strikes midnight. 


Visiting grandparents: Sometimes being around older people can be tough. Caring for them can be even tougher. Get a little insight (and laugh!) with HBO's Getting On. Your grandparents will be able to laugh and relate.

Jordin Althaus/FOX

When you get back on the Saturday after Christmas and all your friends are still at home with their families: The Last Man on Earth—because at least you don't have it as bad as Phil Miller.

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