Who Had Scream Queens' Best Thanksgiving? (And Who's Dead Now?)

We met the Radwells and we may never be the same

By Lauren Piester Nov 25, 2015 3:00 AMTags
Scream Queens, ThanksgivingFox

Well that was a hell of an episode!

It was Thanksgiving on Scream Queens, and honestly we've never been less hungry. Apparently, the sacredness of that somewhat ethically questionable holiday was lost on the Red Devil, because he/she has struck again.

This time, it was Gigi whose head ended up on a platter to be served up at the Kappa House orphan Thanksgiving, but we are utterly baffled as to how the turkey—which we saw in the oven—suddenly became Gigi's head.

Was it one of the dinner guests who made the switch, or was someone else sneaking around? There was a whole lot of talk about that turkey as the Kappas prepared to eat. Number Three checked on it at one point, and later Zayday insisted she had also personally checked on the timer. Then, Dean Munsch  said that she and Number Three were thrilled to announce that the turkey was ready, right before heading off to "freshen up." Then Number Three and Number Five went to get the turkey as Number Five remarked how heavy it was, right before the reveal that it was actually Gigi's head.

Who…how…huh? Our brains hurt!

It kinda seems like everyone's brain is in a constant state of hurting given the back and forth of all the killer theories that were flying around that dinner.


The Theories

Dean Munsch thought it was Number Three, Number Three thought it was Dean Munsch, Dean Munsch thought it was Wes, Wes thought it was Grace (his own daughter!), Pete thought it was Wes again, and Pete actually had some excellent points to make.

One of those points was that with some help from bribery, breaking and entering, and a friend who works at Maury, Pete conducted a DNA test and concluded that Wes is Boone's father!

While that doesn't necessarily make Wes seem innocent to the dean and the Kappas, that does eliminate him from our list of Red Devil suspects, since we know from Gigi's little chat with the Red Devil that Boone is the Red Devil's brother, so either Grace is actually the killer, or she and Boone have yet another murderous sibling.

Despite the fact that the Kappas discovered Dean Munsch's secret non-allergy to bologna, that also eliminates her as a Red Devil suspect. She is definitely a killer, but she is not the killer.

As for the Grace theory, we actually learned that she was in the Kappa house the night that former Kappa president Melanie Dorkus was murdered via spray tan. She claims she was just visiting as an incoming freshman, but do we believe her? Do we believe anyone on this show?!


Meet the Radwells

Elsewhere, after revealing that she "killed" Number Six, and then after discovering that Number Six's body had disappeared from the freezer (meaning she and Chad could, unfortunately for Chad, not have a three-way with it), Chanel headed to the Hamptons with Chad to meet and be horribly humiliated by his awesomely awful family, including Chad Michael Murray as his brother Brad and Patrick Schwarzenegger as his porn-obsessed bro Thad. 

Seriously, they were awful, with an endless supply of insults for Chanel, who we actually started to feel bad for. Things only got worse when—surprise!—Number Six showed up to thank Chanel for the fall that may have cured her scoliosis and to announce to the Radwells that she was pregnant with their son's spawn.

That led to a horrendous game of Pictionary in which the word "horse" was changed to "neckbrace whore," and Chanel actually declaring that she will never speak to Chad again, or let him or anyone speak to her or Number Six that way again. We'll see how long that sticks, but for now, Chanel and Number Six are back in the Kappa house, free of the Radwells and Chad's seriously disgusting "dessert" made of Thanksgiving leftovers.


Meet the…Swinsons?

We also briefly got to know Number Three's family of frozen dinner magnates and discovered that their idea of a family Thanksgiving is to sit in individual recliners with frozen TV dinners while watching sports on multiple televisions.

Meanwhile, Number Five's family took off on a vacation without her, and suddenly we're feeling awfully sad for all of the Chanels and the fact that a Thanksgiving spent accusing each other of murder and having the turkey swapped out for a decapitated head was maybe the best Thanksgiving they had ever had.

Current Ranking of Red Devil Suspects

Grace: See above.
Number Three: She clearly thought the serial killer at her sorority house was going to get her some attention from her distinctly unattentive family, so perhaps she was feeling a bit abandoned and wanted revenge for not getting the family she deserved. Plus she was pretty fishy with that turkey…
Number Five: She was equally unhappy with her family, and also had the chance to switch out that turkey.
Pete: We really have no idea at this point. 

Next week finds the Chanels celebrating their biggest holiday of the year—Black Friday—so things are sure to get extra fabulous up in the Kappa house. They will probably get extra murdery too, since there's only one more episode before the two hour season finale and a whole lot of people are still very much alive. 

So who's the murderer and who will be the next to die? Sound off in the comments!

Scream Queens airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on Fox. 

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