These Photos Definitively Prove That Blossom Was the '90s-est Show of All Time

VHS tapes, poofy bangs, a boom box and Tiffani Amber Thiessen?! Must be the '90s

By Jenna Mullins Nov 18, 2015 5:15 PMTags
Blossom, CastNBC

There's a voice that lives inside each and every person who grew up in the '90s. And that voice is whispering...


When talking about iconic '90s shows, a lot of people skip over Blossom. We're not sure why, because if you look at these three random screengrabs we took from three different episodes, it's clearly the most '90s-iest show that ever existed. Back off, Saved By the Bell! Step off, Full House! Blossom was all about that '90s life. Want proof? We got it right here.

Exhibit A:


VHS tapes: Remember to always be kind and rewind. That phrase doesn't make sense anymore, but maybe we can bring it back in a philosophical sense?
Giant computer: You know that little icon you click to save a Word document? Those were used to store files off of giant computers like the one in the photo above. Who wants to bet there is a raging game of Oregon Trail happening on that computer screen?
99¢ specials: When is the last time you rented something for under a dollar?!
Tiffani Amber Thiessen: T.A.T. was the '90s.
Tiffani's wardrobe: That off the shoulder hot pink shirt. Those bangs. The '90s were such a majestic time for fashion.

Exhibit B:


Giant book: Before computers, people discovered information using encyclopedias. Of course people still read and study actual books, but this moment is more of a representation of how the Internet is now our go-to destination when we want to learn about something.
Joey's suspenders: Remember when those were a thing?
Recycling bins: Obviously people still recycle, but the '90s is when reduce, reuse and recycle really took off. Sidenote: that is an aggressive amount of recycling bins in their kitchen.
Landline phone: With cell phones, you can go anywhere to talk to someone. Back in the day, phones were attached to walls and if you wanted privacy, you had to drag the cord through the door and around the corner. It was awful.


Record icon: That "REC" icon should be burned into the memories of every single '90s kids.
Singing into the hairbrush: We sincerely hope for the sake of all teenagers across the world that kids still do this. How else do you pretend you're in a music video on MTV? It's just so '90s to record yourself singing into a hairbrush to watch later. Now, that s--t goes on Vine, Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram immediately.
Six's hat: Ordered from a Delia's magazine, no doubt.
Blossom's bangs: Curled under to within an inch of their life, just how we liked it back then.
Boom box: You can now carry thousands and thousands of songs in your back pocket. But before all that, you had gigantic boom boxes and, if you were lucky, a disc changer.
Blossom's shirt: Denim on denim on denim, y'all!

Based on this evidence, we hereby declare that Blossom is one of, if not the most, '90s-est shows of all time. We rest our case.

It's Nostalgia Week! Tune into E! News at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. for more on Blossomincluding some incredible first interviews with the cast!

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