Hunger Games FTW! Here's Another Reason Hollywood Needs More Female Heros

Mic reports that female-centric films made $45.5 million more between 2006 and 2016

By Dominique Haikel Oct 30, 2015 10:19 PMTags
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Ladies, can we get an amen!?

Arts.Mic has determined that female-driven movies are making more money than male-centric ones. Mm-hmm, that's what's up. But how did they arrive at that result, you ask?

Mic took the top 25 films at the box office from each year between 2006 and 2015 and compared their returns. To avoid adding too much confusion to the mix, Mic left out certain films like Les Misérables, which feature a "co-ed ensemble," and movies like Fifty Shades of Grey, where the male-female leads are equally balanced (well, there's one of each of them, at least). Films about "non-human objects" like Transformers, along with cartoons featuring only animated females, were some of the other genres left out of the exercise. 

Mic then compared the stats of male-centric films to female-centric films and to put it lightly, found that boys drool and girls rule. According to their findings, films centered on female characters grossed an average of $126.1 million, while films about bros came in at $80.6 million in that same period. 

Do you know what this means, friends? It means girl power just pulled in $45.4 million more at the box office. 

Leading lady flicks like The Hunger Games with Jennifer Lawrence and The Devil Wears Prada with Anne Hathaway are two examples Mic name-drops as examples that might have helped out the cause. According to Box Office Mojo, domestic total gross for the Meryl Streep fashion hit was over $124 million. J.Law's first film from her franchise killed it as well, with a domestic total gross of over $408 million. You go, girls. 

With dollar signs dancing in studio execs' heads, here's hoping (if they know what's good for them) Hollywood will now give us that Mean Girls reunion we've been dreaming of. 

Peep TV's most powerful ladies! 

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