Bitch-Back! Years Later, Toothy Still Running Ya Wild

Readers respond to Britney's doc

By Ted Casablanca Dec 02, 2008 2:10 AMTags

Dear Ted:
Why does Britney Spears say she got married for all the wrong reasons, and then turn around to say she never thought her husband was going to leave her? Does she want us to think that all her problems were caused by him only?

Dear Curious Brit:
Let's face it—this girl still isn't well. I mean, anyone who'd want K-Fed to stay isn't off the crazy train yet.

Dear Ted:
Soon it will be the fourth anniversary of Toothy Tile, the young closeted movie star who wanted to come out at a certain time in his life. I'm not waiting any longer for this to happen. Tell me, does Toothy secretly still have a coming-out wish? Can we expect something to celebrate for his fourth-year anniversary?

Dear Happy Gayversary:
In order: Hip-hip-homo-hooray! Nor am I. Yes. Getting cemented in the back of the closet work for you?

Dear Ted:
Please, Ted, give us some sanity. I've been reading Reese Witherspoon's quotes about love and marriage, all part of her new movie promotion, of course. Her biggest admission? She's too trusting and loving! Yeah, that's how she got to the top of the Hollywood heap. If she can't be honest can she at least be quiet? Calming down now.

Dear Golden:
She's got her Oscar and her status. She doesn't need to play the game anymore. Or that one, anyways.

Dear Ted:
I'm just wondering if one of your closeted Blind Vices would actually portray a gay man in a movie? Wouldn't you think that would be a little too life-imitating-art for someone who was trying to make the world believe otherwise?

Dear Nice Try:
Is that just a way of trying to guess the talented Heath Ledger? Respect the dead!

Dear Ted:
No question, you just rock for having French Laundry at Home on your links. You should link her new site too, 'cause Carol is still killing it, and is as funny as ever.

Dear Linksys:
I'll check it out, Carol's a creamy screamy.

Dear Ted:
Love you blog or column. However, I am visually impaired, and the new format is too tough on these eyes. Any chance you could get the techies to make a link to a plain text version? How does one get in touch with the editor in chief of E! Online?

Dear Tech Savvy:
Comment is noted, dear, but do try and hang with it. Don't think the format is changing anytime soon. Try it filtered through an RSS reader, perhaps?

Dear Ted:
Haha! Never bought what Nicole Kidman said about how she met Keith. Something is not right about these two. Loved your last Truth, Lies & Ted! Question: Is Katie Holmes pregnant again? Was it just me, or was there some hidden message in your Teditorial? She is, isn't she? By the way, Ted, you are hot. I would stalk you if you weren't gay.

Dear Baby Tuck:
Uh, yeah, I think so, and no thanks! Stalking is so not hot. But thanks!

Dear Ted:
Is Fake à la Ferocity Gwyneth Paltrow? She's definitely shrinking in size, and has been seen sans Chris Martin a lot these days.

Dear Heroin Tale:
It ain't Gwynnie, either. Think moldier than thou.

Dear Ted:
I just read for the billionth time that Sharon Stone has an IQ of 160. Sorry, but I just can't swallow it. Do you think she really has an IQ that astronomical, or is it just that her -70 CSQ (common sense quotient) merely make her seem dumb?

Dear Stone Cold:
The gal certainly isn't your typical H'wood dumbass. She'd be far more successful if she were.

Dear Ted:
RE: Dear Toilet Ready. I love it! Don't you hate it when people tell you how to do your job? Keep up the good work. Why do you call Jen A. Maniston? Have you personally seen her X/Y breakdown?
—Miss P, Boston

Dear Bio Geek:
If she's not careful her arms could turn into Madge's.

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