Wheel of Fortune Contestant Fails to Solve What Is Probably the Easiest Puzzle Ever

Even though she had three out of five words solved, this doctor couldn't guess the correct answer

By Jenna Mullins Oct 19, 2015 5:56 PMTags

Can you solve this puzzle:

NIGHT  _ _ _ out if we're being too hard on this recent Wheel of Fortune contestant who totally bombed when she tried to solve the puzzle on a recent episode. Those were the letters she was presented with and this was her guess:

"Start in the right way"

OK, regardless if we're being too hard on her, she didn't even say the word that already had all its letters! That one was a gimme, but she clearly did not want it.

This woman is a doctor, so maybe we can chalk up her epic fail to the fact that her brain is loaded with science, anatomy, biology and all that other good stuff doctors need to make sure people don't die.

By the way, the puzzle answer, which was solved in the next turn by another contestant, was: "Stars in the night sky."

At least this answer wasn't so terrible that it made Pat Sajak straight up walk off the stage. That has happened before.

The Internet is also obsessed with this Jeopardy! contestant who almost never guesses wrong: 

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