Daughter Starts #DateDiane Campaign to Help Lonely Mom Whose Husband Has Alzheimer's

Hashtag has already brought in tons of new friends for this hot mama!

By Dominique Haikel Oct 16, 2015 9:36 PMTags

Kate Hoit's mom has got it goin' on! 

According to ABC News, the #DateDiane hashtag was started after Hoit noticed how lonely her mother, Diane, had been as of late. Sadly, Diane's husband has been living with Alzheimer's disease in a nursing home for 10 years. 

The loving daughter began posting reasons why you should #DateDiane to her Twitter account to help her mom make some new pals.

Aside from this being the sweetest gesture ever, we think this could be the future of online dating.

Pretty savvy if you ask us! 

Diane, who, by the way, is a total babe, deserves nothing more than to have some fun after all she's been through! 

Awesomely enough, the hashtag pulled in a huge response, with Hoit noting that her mom has indeed found some new buddies.

We're so glad to hear this story has a happy ending!

Would you help your parents with their dating life? Let us know in the comments! 

Speaking of social media, hear what Cindy Crawford has to say on the subject! 

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