Empire's Little Buffy the Vampire Slayer Nod Was Both Great and Weird

There was a sort of Buffy reunion on tonight's Empire and it was great

By Lauren Piester Oct 15, 2015 2:33 AMTags
Empire, Adam BuschFox

Oh hey, Warren Mears. Nice to see you with skin! 

We may have audibly guffawed when Adam Busch showed up on tonight's Empire as the photographer tasked with creating a Rolling Stone cover for Jamal (Jussie Smollett). He just...did not look like what we remember Warren looking like before Willow (Alyson Hannigan) skinned him alive on Buffy the Vampire Slayer all those years ago.


Might we suggest a haircut? And a shower? 

Adam's appearance on tonight's episode was extra special because the episode was written by Danny Strong, who accompanied Adam and Tom Lenk as part of the group of nerds who wreaked havoc all over Sunnydale, a.k.a. The Trio, making tonight a fun little quasi-reunion. 

The reunion got even more fun when it appeared that Busch's entire role as Chase One, whose name sounds more like a credit card than a name, was just to be as artistically ridiculous as possible. Apparently, Chase is "the next Warhol," and he just wants to see what's in Jamal's heart so he can slap it on the cover of Rolling Stone. He also says things like this: 


Meanwhile, Andre believed that God was speaking to him, and then he and Rhonda tried to dig up Vernon's body. The only problem was that they marked the grave with a tree with a hole in it, in a forest where every tree had the same hole. This created a weirdly comical situation 

Oh, and the FBI raided pretty much everything and everyone they could possibly raid, interrogated Cookie, and were still on the hunt for Bunkie's killer. 

So in a nutshell, Empire continues to be outrageous, and we wouldn't have it any other way. 

What did you think of tonight's episode, and do you miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer as much as we do? Head to the comments to weigh in!

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