Whoops! Couple's Engagement Photo Accidentally Reveals Big Secret

Facebook post announcing the couple's happy news had something in the corner that shocked their loved ones

By Jenna Mullins Oct 09, 2015 4:57 PMTags
Facebook Engagement Couple revealFacebook

Facebook 101: Before you post a photo, do a quick scan! Make sure there isn't anything weird, embarrassing or damning in the background. That rule is almost as important as making sure you don't accidentally "like" your ex's photo from two years ago.

This couple had some happy news to share with their Facebook friends, so they did what millions and millions of people do every single day on the social media site: they posted a photo of themselves to announce the news instead of sending out like, a thousand text messages.

Underneath the photo of the couple hugging on the couch, the girlfriend wrote: 

"I am truly blessed today as the love of my life has asked me to marry him. Words cannot express how happy I feel, and how lucky I am. He wasn't able to give me a real ring yet, but what matters is what's on the inside. I know that we were will be happy together, regardless of material things. Be on the look out for save-the-date!"

Yeah, speaking of "what's on the inside," did you guys catch the object in the photo that is an even bigger announcement in itself?  Look closely again at the lower lefthand corner…


Yep, that appears to be an open pregnancy test box just chilling in the corner of this photo. Friends and family were quick to notice the elephant in the room, leaving comments like "is that what I think it is in the corner?" and "yo lmafo, gotta crop this guys."

Our personal favorite was this one, presumably from her father: "Honey, you should call us. Your mother is confused."


Nothing to be confused about, Mom! Just a little bun in the oven and a ring on the finger!

The girlfriend at first didn't understand the remarks asking her about what else was in the photo, but eventually she figured it out and commented with a single, damning: "oh."

Moments later, friends and family got the "oh, by the way" type of confirmation.

"Hey guys, we're having a baby, too," she wrote underneath the photo.

We're not sure if these two were so overwhelmed with the baby news that they totally missed the fact that they were uploading a picture that showed the pregnancy test box, or if this was all a setup to mess with their loved ones. 

Either way, congrats on the wedding and the baby on the way, you two!

Guess who else just got engaged?! A former Bachelor star:

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