Someone Ran the American Ninja Warrior Course in a Full T-Rex Costume

This is definitive proof that putting on a dinosaur costume makes everything funnier

By Madelyn Abry Oct 08, 2015 11:02 PMTags

Need a good, hearty laugh? No, not a look at our bank account. Watch as a brave soul attempts the American Ninja Warrior course in a full T-Rex costume. 

For those who don't know, American Ninja Warrior is a spunky reality game show with a cult following. The objective of the TV show is complete a difficult obstacle course within a time limit. It's based on a Japanese version called Sasuke and obviously, it's an incredible feat to take on the course.

One athlete decided to make it a bit more difficult, so they suited up in this full T-Rex costume and the result is perfection. Watch as Reko Rivera climbs ramps, swings on ropes and generally looks hilarious in a giant inflatable dinosaur costume.

Brentwood Photography/YouTube

YouTube commenter RocketJump said they should have called this "Jurassic Parkour" and we have to agree with them because we love a good pun. 

The video looks like it might be part of a series from Brentwood Photography where he puts the costume on different people and they go to work. In a possibly NSFW video, you can meet Dino Stripper as well. We HIGHLY recommend you do.

Brentwood Photography/YouTube

In the meantime, we spoke to the American Ninja Warrior season 7 winner! Watch our interview below:

PHOTOS: Check out these awesome celebrity costumes! 

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