12 Times that Homeland's Carrie Mathison Said Exactly What We Were Thinking

It's Claire Danes' time in the sun!

By Seija Rankin Sep 24, 2015 5:23 PMTags
Homeland, Claire DanesDavid Bloomer/SHOWTIME

This is a big month for Claire Danes. Today she finally gets her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and next Sunday Homeland premieres the first episode of season five (!!).

Now, Miss Danes always gets her fair share of praise for a stellar career and the fact that she's just a genuinely awesome person. But her onscreen alter ego, Carrie Mathison, kind of gets the shaft. Some people get annoyed by her ugly cry face, some people think she sucks at her job, and other just don't give her the time of day. Saul Berenson takes all of Homeland's time in the sun (darn you and your majesty, Mandy Patinkin!).

So we're dubbing today Carrie Mathison Day. We're honoring the original Crazy Eyes by looking back at all the times she was everywoman. You might think it would be tricky to have a lot in common with a CIA agent who had a baby with a terrorist, but what do ya know? Carrie Mathison is just like us. Sort of. You see, all of her scary antics and even scarier facial expressions can perfectly describe different situations we find ourselves in. There's a Carrie Mathison for every point in your day! Let us show you.

1. When you're really hungover at work and have to step into the other room to...control yourself.

2. When your roommates are trying to get your participate in communal cleaning.

3. When you're in a fight with anyone, ever.

4. When you join Tinder and see the available dating pool.

5. When you suddenly remember your kind-of boyfriend's connection to a terrorist's son. 

6. When your friends try to convince you to buy Teva's because everyone's wearing them now.

7. When you succumb to peer pressure and actually purchase Teva's.

8. When you're still bumming that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner broke up. 

9. When you thought it was a good idea to do your own smoky eye.

10. When you just successfully irish exited the bar.

11. When no one would believe your theory about the killer on How to Get Away With Murder.

12. Every time you remember that Donald Trump is leading the Presidential polls.

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