28 Days of Lipstick: I Tested the Best (& Boldest) From the Fall 2015 Collections

A lipstick a day for a month

By Cinya Burton Sep 23, 2015 1:00 PMTags
Cinya Lipstick CalendarE!

Time for a little bit of truth about myself: I'm a total creature of habit—especially when it comes to my style. I'm talking Jennifer Aniston levels.

And that can be a bit of problem when I get bored with my look but find myself still intrinsically opposed to change.  For this reason, when I want to get creative I have to find tweaks within my comfort zone—a.k.a. anything that can wipe or wash off. And when I want to get really creative I have to come up with little challenges for myself.

Enter my latest beauty quest:  A month of lipstick. Every day for 28 days I tested out a different lipstick from the fall 2015 collections. From Miley Cyrus' hella loud orange to Tom Ford's emo burgundy, I've swiped on this season's best and boldest.

What did I learn? (Besides always do a chin check for smudges after lunch.) See my results in the gallery below.

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