This Video of an Old Man Waiting at the Airport for His Lady Is the Most Beautiful Thing You'll Watch Today

Footage posted to reddit features a couple reuniting in the most adorable way possible

By Jenna Mullins Sep 08, 2015 7:10 PMTags

Think about your significant other. Think about the grand love you two share. Think about the bond you have forged with your partner over however many years you've been together. Now feel bad about yourself because no matter how hard you try, you two won't be as adorable or as in love as this couple. At least, not yet.

A reddit user posted this video of an older gentleman who is standing at an airport with flowers in his hands. He looks to be as nervous and as anxious as a 16-year-old boy about to take the coolest girl in school out on his very first date. So, that situation right there is probably one of the most adorable images ever.

And then his face starts to light up. Like, really light up. A grin that can only belong to a man in love stretches across his face, and whomever he's waiting for must be in his sights. And before your face goes completely blind by the happy tears streaming down your face, you'll see his lovely lady come into frame to give her waiting prince a big hug. This 10-second video shows a more romantic love story that all of Nicholas Sparks' movies combined. Yes, even The Notebook.

Watch the video above and if you don't feel a warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach afterwards, please proceed to the nearest ER to get your heart looked at.

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