Most Important News Ever: McDonald's Will Officially Start Serving All-Day Breakfast!

Fast food company just voted to start serving breakfast menu items at all hours starting Oct. 6

By Jenna Mullins Sep 01, 2015 8:25 PMTags
McDonald's breakfastJeff Zelevansky/Bloomberg via Getty Images

McDonald's will officially begin serving all-day breakfast. We repeat: McDonald's has just voted to serve breakfast items all damn day. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.

Finally! We have proof that if you wish with all your might and you have a dream in your heart, truly wonderful things can happen.

The fast food company just broke the news that it has voted to offer breakfast food at all hours starting Oct 6. Screw you, 10:30 a.m. cutoff! Your tyrannical rule over our stomachs has ended!

McDonald's has been testing the all-day breakfast strategy in many locations, and apparently it tested well enough to give the anytime Egg McMuffin the green light.

"This is the consumers' idea. This is what they want us to do," McDonald's USA President Mike Andres told The Wall Street Journal. "That's why I think this could be the catalyst for our turnaround."

It was certainly a catalyst for a Twitter meltdown, as people literally have no idea what to do with this wonderful news. Especially with McDonald's gleefully tweeting back at people who have been begging for all-day breakfast; even tweets from two years ago are being responded to. That's some hardcore, next-level trolling that McDonald's social media team is doing right now. And we respect it.

But mostly, Twitter is in a fit of panic because this is literally the best news to ever happen in the history of the human race.

Spread the good word! McDonald's breakfast will be available all day long in just a little over a month. Praise be to McGriddle!

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