Best of Summer 2015: Funniest Viral Moment Tournament Semifinals—Pick the Winner!

Pick the winner!

By Seija Rankin Aug 20, 2015 5:04 PMTags
Best of Summer Viral Moment, Semi FinalGetty Images, YouTube

Cue Jock Jams and let's get ready to rumble!

Don don don don don don don...

Okay, just kidding, we won't subject you to that. But we will subject you to playing along on our Viral Moment Tournament semifinals! The people have spoken and they have decided on their two favorite Internet stories of all of summer 2015. They've also decided that the likes of Rachel Dolezal, Donald Trump, Meek Mill and Taylor Swift's girl squad are just not good enough to make the cut. But enough with the losers, let's get to the winners (so far).

First up in the semifinals we have everybody's favorite feline Cecil the Lion. Or more specifically, the fact that the entire Internet community decided to act as one to ruin the life of the dentist who ended Cecil's life. #Teamwork. 

In the other corner we have what's affectionately known as #LoveWins. This summer marked a historic nationwide legalization of marriage equality, and people everywhere took to the streets to celebrate—and get hitched. This semifinal is all about the feels, so you'll just have to choose which story brings the most.



What was your fave Internet story?
Marriage equality is legalized and #LoveWins
The Internet bands together against Cecil the Lion's killer

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