Attention: Parrot Arrested in India After Hurling F-Bombs at Owner's Elderly Stepmother

Bird has now officially caught everyone's attention

By Lily Harrison Aug 20, 2015 2:05 AMTags
Parrot, HariyalYouTube

World, meet the world's rudest bird.

Hariyal, the Kelly green parrot pictured above, was reportedly arrested and detained by police after he cursed at his owner's elderly stepmother.

We know what you're thinking, this can't be real and what the heck is going on here—and listen guys, we're with you on both things.

Anyway, here's a bit of backstory for y'all about the big bad bird, the potty mouth parrot, the foul-mouthed fowl...we can go on!

So, back to the matter at hand, Hariyal had a funny little habit of screaming out obscenities every single time his owner's stepmother walked by.

Sure, a guest would normally be greeted with a "Hello!" or a "Polly, want a cracker?!" like a normal bird, but things didn't go so smoothly for the Sakharkar family.

Local reports claim that Suresh Sakharkar had been training his pet to curse at his stepmom Janabai for over two years.

"On seeing me, the parrot uses bad language and foul words," she told Zee News.

"That is why I have complained thrice in the last two years. Police called me, Suresh and the parrot to the police station. Police should investigate and seize the parrot."

And that's precisely what authorities did.

Police did not press charges against the parrot, but instead handed the feathered critter over to the state's forestry department.

Bye bye birdie, indeed.

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