Your Mom's Watching...the NBA Finals

Special correspondent Your Mom reviews last night's game four of the NBA Finals.

By Your Mom Jun 16, 2008 10:51 PMTags
Celtic Ray Allen, Mom, Laker Kobe BryantKelly Kline/ Conn/

Hi, hon. It's Mom again. I'm sure you and Gord are still super busy with the new puppy. I know Gord has a camera, so come on, send me some pictures of the little scrapper already! Well, anyway, your dad ruined the couch last night during the basketball game. We got into a huge fight because he wanted to go out and get some barbecue sandwiches from that place I think I told you about before. Well, I wasn't going to go through all that again, so I finally told him I would make sloppy joes.

I'm in the kitchen, up to my elbows in tomato sauce and hamburger, you know, and he's yelling at me over every commercial, "How's that sloppy joe coming along, Tish?!" I guess he thinks I just wave a magical wand and there they are! I hope Gordon doesn't treat you like that. You should make him do some of the cooking, too. Well, anyway, I had to borrow some buns from the Gundersons next door and Shirley talked my ear off, but I finally got everything done in the middle of the halftime and brought them out. And wouldn't you know it, there's Don, sound asleep on the couch. Snoring like a motorboat, as usual. Unbelievable. Well, so, I woke him up and told him dinner was served, your highness. Then we had another big fight because the game was coming back on and he wanted to eat on the couch and there was no way I was going to let him eat a sloppy joe on my nice davenport, you know. So I told him it was the table or nothing and he sure didn't like that, but I can be very stern when I need to, as I'm sure you know. Then the phone rang and I couldn't hear anything over your father yelling at the TV, so I took the phone into the sewing room. It was your brother, you should call him. I can't get into it here. Well, anyway, when I came back out, there's your father standing over the couch, dripping his sloppy joe all over the sofa! Oh, I was so mad you wouldn't even believe it. Well, I scrubbed and scrubbed but of course it didn't come out. So now we have to get a new couch. I guess that's the big news around the house. Write back soon. Love, Mom.

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