Hillary Clinton Asked "What's the Most Important Part of Life" by Cute Little Boy—See Her Response!

2016 presidential hopeful gets grilled by precocious young man at New Hampshire campaign event

By Rebecca Macatee Jul 28, 2015 8:59 PMTags

If you want to be president of the United States, you've got to be willing to answer some tough questions—just ask Hillary Clinton!

At a recent campaign event in New Hampshire, a charmingly precocious little boy really put the former Secretary of State on the spot, asking, "What do you think is the most important part of life, like out of all the things in life? Such as, health care, um, education, and all that stuff—what do you think is the most important?"

Bravo, young man! Clinton herself was impressed. "What a great question," she said, shaking the budding journalist's hand. "I think we have either a future philosopher or a theologian..."

But this kid meant business, and Clinton couldn't escape his (adorable) line of questioning! "Actually," she told, "I think the most important thing in life is love. It also may be the hardest thing in life."

Good answer—and probably one that will hold up in the debates! So what is Clinton loving these days? We;l, pantsuits, obviously, and a host of issues impacting our country and its future. Outside of politics, though, Clinton loves her family, which includes her husband, former President Bill Clinton, daughter Chelsea Clinton, and, of course, her 11-month-old granddaughter Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky!

"It's really sweet how my mom is just so clearly happy being a grandma," Chelsea told People earlier this year. At this point, Clinton had yet to officially confirm she'd be seeing the Democratic nomination, but Chelsea knew one thing was for sure: "I know she's going to be a great grandma," she said, "whatever other choices she makes in her life."

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