Watch This Road Rage Jerk Get the Best Karmic Comeback Ever

Video from Russia shows what happens when an angry driver tries to use his phone to video tape the person he's been tailgating

By Jenna Mullins Jun 29, 2015 8:02 PMTags

DISCLAIMER: No one crashes or gets hurt in this video, so rest assured there isn't a morbid ending to this road rage tale. The only injuries we see are to one dude's ego and the other dude probably pulled an abdomen muscle from laughing so hard.

This video is for anyone out there who ever had to deal with an a—hole on the road. 

This footage from Russia shows a situation almost everyone has been involved in at one point or another. One driver seems to be in the throes of a full-on road rage attack and is tailgating the other driver in an annoying and dangerous way. So the front car is making sure to film what's going on so they have a record in case something bad happens and the police need to get involved. Or to show to their friends later in a "get a load of this jackhole" kind of way.

So the road rager decides to film, too, and he pulls up alongside the front car and whips out his phone. What happens next is pure karmic magic. 


(H/T Happy Place)

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