How to Make a Jonas, Hilton and Groban Scary

What celebs are conjuring up for Halloween

By Ted Casablanca Oct 31, 2008 12:10 AMTags

It's so obvious Paris Hilton should dress up as Lauren Conrad tomorrow, that way she could have at least a modicum of explanation for her skanky Hills activities, if only for one night. Lindsay Lohan could be Jodie Foster...test the waters of what she'll be like in years to come if she chooses to remain so secretive? Angelina should dress as an orphaned kid, and Brad should dress as Angelina.

They're kinky enough, why not cross some more inappropriate lines? Enough of what we suggest. Let's see what they really plan on:

Nicky Hilton: I'm going to be Snow White.

Awful Truth: Is David Katzenberg going to be your Prince Charming?

N.H.: No. I think that's a little cheesy when couples do that. I never do that.

A.T.: Oh, yes.

Kevin Jonas: We've been focusing more on our new television show. We're in production on that...We've been cranking through it and enjoying every minute of it.

A.T.: That's seriously your answer when asked what you're going to dress up as?

K.J.: Yes.

A.T.: No wonder Selena left Nick. Girl wants to have some fun!

Josh Groban: I can't explain why I want to be this, I really can't. I just have an absolute need to be Abraham Lincoln, for whatever reason I can't wait to put my hand in my vest and put on my beard and just walk around. I think it'll help me when I trick or treat. You'd give candy to a president, right? Four score, twenty Reeses ago...

A.T.: Josh, really, stop. And the hand in vest stuff is so weirdo borderline John Mayer, quit freaking us out.

Chris Tucker: Tony Montana [in perf Montana accent]. Scarface. I bought my costume, got my plans, I'm ready to go.

A.T.: OK, baby!

Denzel Washington: I'm gonna be asleep! It's too late.

A.T.: No wonder your marriage lasts!

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