Here's What Disney Princesses Would Look Like With Realistic Eyes

Artist The Nameless Doll gives Elsa, Anna and others a more lifelike appearance

By Daniel Nissen Jun 05, 2015 6:12 PMTags
Disney Princess

The average human eyeball is 24 millimeters wide. However, most would not be able to deduce this from watching a Disney movie.

Disney has a long history of portraying animated women with unrealistic physical features. The characters' crazy-huge eyes particularly stand out.

Animated princesses have always had larger than average eyes, but not until recently with movies like TangledFrozen, and even Sony's Hotel Transylvania have they upgraded to super size. 

It's actually a bit frightening if you look at the eyes long enough and realize how enormous they are!

Plenty of artists have provided their own interpretations of our animated favorites, sharing what the cartoons would look like if they were selfie-obsessed, or what they would look like in the real world. Artist The Nameless Doll wanted wanted to see what these animated women would look like with average size human eyes.

The artist digitally reduced the large eyes, which resulted in the princesses looking surprisingly way more realistic.

Writing on The Nameless Doll, the artist was not trying to make any statement about beauty standards, explaining, "These edits were created simply to give me a chance to practice my manipulation/anatomy skills. Nothing more, nothing less."

Looks like the eyes have it! 

PHOTO: The Facts & Faces Behind Disney Characters

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