Bitch-Back! Honk If You Think Angie's a Snot

Reader response; Angelina Jolie and Dubya get razzed

By Ted Casablanca Oct 27, 2008 11:18 PMTags
Angelina JolieNBC Photo: Virginia Sherwood

Dear Ted:
Thanks for your thoughts on Oliver Stone's W. I couldn't agree more. Ef the bigoted ideologue haters that frequent this blog. They wouldn't know a real maverick if they were blowing them kisses from the other side of a glory hole. P.S.: I adore the yellow on you.

Dear Iceman:
Thanks for the pump up, darlin'.

Dear Ted:
I also noticed that Angelina rewrites history to suit her needs. I wonder if she deludes herself as well, or does she knows exactly what games she's playing?

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