This Angry Airplane Flyer Wrote an Open Letter to the Passenger From Hell and It Will Be Impossible Not to Relate

Munuee Lau’s note to whoever sat in seat 15A goes viral

By Mike Vulpo May 14, 2015 12:08 AMTags
Munyee LauMunyee Lau

Can't we all just be considerate on an airplane?!

Munyee Lau was hoping her midnight flight from Singapore to Sydney, Australia was going to be an eight-hour journey filled with some serious rest and relaxation. Unfortunately, one passenger sitting close to her was going to make that dream impossible.

After experiencing a whole lot of frustrations, the 24-year-old decided to write an open letter to the anonymous flyer detailing all the mistakes he or she made during the trip. Let's just say Lau had a really bumpy ride. 

"Dear Passenger 15A…you offered me a full back massage by repeatedly kicking the back of [my] chair," she wrote in the letter obtained by ABC News. "To date, I have yet to regain full mobility of the lower half of my body."

She continued to share her list of complaints with a tone of sarcasm any airline passenger can relate to.

She added, "My nose was assaulted by a putrid smell of death and decay. The stench was so strong that I turned to check if the old lady seated next to me was still breathing." Don't worry, guys! Everyone is alive to tell their story.

But perhaps one of the biggest complaints the 24-year-old had was the passenger's loud voice that was heard through several rows.

"You were talking so loudly, as if your friend was seated in the cargo hold rather than right next to you," she shared. "Perhaps she's hard of hearing? This might strike you as odd but for the first time in my life, I wished I had a hearing impairment too."

You can call the letter sassy, shady or just one major read. But for Lau, she just wanted to provide some good laughs (and blow off some serious steam).

"Rather than being traumatized by it, I figured I'd write about it because that's how I cope," she explained to ABC News. "Thus far, rather than the crying babies, this was by far the worse flight and the most humorous one. Some people were saying I was shaming the passenger and causing her harm. I wrote it to be comedic."

She added, "My main goal is that people read it, look at the lighter side of life and laugh at this seemingly daunting experience." 

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