30 Rock: Jack Donaghy Needs Your Support

Watch the premiere of 30 Rock now!

By Kristni Dos Santos Oct 24, 2008 5:41 PMTags

Tina Fey? Pfft. If this TV show of hers, 30 Rock, ever crashes and burns, she can always team up with Will Ferrell and they can travel the countryside, doing their Palin-Bush act at local comedy clubs.

But what of Alec Baldwin? Won't you help out Alec Baldwin and watch his TV series? Jack Donaghy, his industry-titan role on 30 Rock, is one of the most dead-on and hilarious characters on TV, and I can't imagine living without Jack if NBC ever cuts this show loose. He's like Yoda meets Warren Buffett meets Troy Bolton. It's win-win-win.

If you haven't ever watched 30 Rock on TV, totally cool, because they have TV on the computer now, and the third season premiere is right above you, ready and waiting for your eyeballs! Guest stars include Megan Mullally and Will Arnett, but really, Alec Baldwin brings it in this ep, and you will laugh. I promise.

Take a look? Please?

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