Watch Out, Missy Madge! Guy's Got an Angle

Guy Ritchie to play up jilted hubby

By Ted Casablanca Oct 24, 2008 4:03 PMTags
Guy Ritchie, MadonnaJason Kempin/

This we had been hearing about for some time, and now we know it pretty much for a fact, at least enough for a gossip column, dolls, that much is clear.

In the fight that's brewing (and then some) between Mrs. Ritchie and Guy Ritchie, expect most legal shots to be aimed from the barrels of Camp Guy, who will be, forthwith, performing the role of the jilted, loyal, loving, daddy-dude. That card is so going to be played, in courts of law, in courts of gossip, and, most importantly, in the court of public opinion.

G.R. is determined—and I mean that in every sense of the attorney-spoken word—to see to it that he is viewed as the one La Madge discarded in favor of more Latino pastures. This will be most key in instances of custody, finances, visitation and...headlines, trust.

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