Rate-a-Trailer: Is 17 Again Worth Seeing for Zac?

We have the trailer for Zac Efron's next movie, 17 Again, and it looks...promising

By Jennifer Cady Oct 22, 2008 5:57 PMTags

Post-HSM, Zac Efron has a lot to prove. Will he fade into a reality series like so many teen idols before him, or will he make this movie-star thing work? Obviously we're hoping for the latter, and 17 Again (due out April 17, 2009) could be a small step towards that goal.

Sure, the age-swapping thing is superderivative, Matthew Perry doesn't look that into it, and the trailer voice-over man is probably the worst ever. But...Zac is in it and he looks funny, charming, charismatic, shirtless (laaaadies!) and good at basketball. Basically everything he needs to be in order to carry a sort of lame movie like this.

You tell us: Are you feeling the Zefron vibes or is it game over for our noble Troy Bolton?

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