Punked Paisley Plots Get-Back Gag on Jewel

Brad Paisley plans serious prank on Jewel.

By Peter Gilstrap Oct 21, 2008 11:42 PMTags
Brad PaisleyJason Moore/ZUMAPress.com

Nobody likes a good prank more than a celebrity, and country music star Brad Paisley was dealt a doozy last week. Minutes after flying into Nashville on a private jet, the singer was approached by uniformed police officers claiming Paisley was under arrest for outstanding warrants. The stunned musician was placed in handcuffs and seated in a police car before the ruse was revealed; the false arrest was the handiwork of tour mate Jewel, who was herself recently pranked by Paisley, who had a man dressed in a giant condom swing over her head onstage.  

The one-upmanship joke-fest shows no signs of stopping. Soup Blog sources claim to have uncovered Paisley’s rebound get-even stunt. Apparently it involves hiring an emergency medical crew to confront Jewel backstage and tell her she’s a carrier of Hepatitis R, a rare disease causing the limbs to swell, blacken and crumble apart. The crew will then inject her with a massive dose of hallucinogens before locking her in a custard-filled, coffin-like box suspended upside down for 48 hours while a looped recording of screaming weasels plays inside nonstop at maximum volume. The box will then be lowered onstage and wrenched open in front of thousands as Paisley runs up and hits her in the face with a pie. "Aw, just wait," a giggling Paisley is reported to have commented. "She's gonna crap her pants!"

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