27 Photos of the First Day of Spring That Prove Mother Nature Is a Real Jerk

It's supposed to be the official start of a new season, and yet all we have are freezing temps and snow

By Jenna Mullins Mar 20, 2015 5:45 PMTags
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Mother nature, you're kind of a bitch.

Sure, it's almost definitely our fault that you're acting this way, what with global warming and all that, but seriously? Today is the official first day of spring and there is snow falling from the sky! Well, not here in Los Angeles, it's another perfect, sunny day, but what about those poor souls on the East Coast? For shame, Mrs. Nature. FOR SHAME. You kiss Mr. Nature with that mouth laced with lies?!

According to weather reports, the East Coast is going to get more bitterly cold weather, which makes the first day of Spring a cruel joke that's not even the least bit funny. Hang in there, guys. Spring will have sprung soon enough, because Mother Nature will turn her cold, twisted attention elsewhere in the world...eventually.

For now, though, she's toying with people who just want to celebrate the first day of spring but can't because there is snow and sleet and bitterly cold wind all over the damn place!

Spring snow is here! My driveway that I have to shovel. #snow#firstdayofspring

A photo posted by Heather Moyer (@penguyns3yahoocom) on

#FirstDayOfSpring #SnowyDay

A video posted by Daniel Rizo (@danny.rizo) on

Welcome spring ....?? wait a second, what??? ?? #fail #firstdayofspring #spring #byewinter

A photo posted by Camila de Oliveira (@mila_deoliveira) on

I can't even right now. Go away!! #nomoresnow #firstdayofspring #snowday #snow #mothernatureisabitch

A photo posted by Elizabeth Ruzich (@butterfly_muse) on

Seriously, Mother Nature. Go and pick on someone your own size. Like the moon! Go pick on the moon or something. Leave the humans alone until you feel like bringing sunshine, warm breezes and flowers. But please don't get so pissed at our complaining that you pull a Day After Tomorrow situation. Thanks.

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