Happy Pi Day! The 12 Most Delicious Pie Flavors, Ranked

Bold opinion: apple pie is not the best kind of pie out there

By Jenna Mullins Mar 14, 2015 1:26 PMTags
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Happy Pi day, everyone! Today is all about celebrating that magical number: 3.1415926535897932384626433...

Well, you know what we mean. Here's to you, π!

And because we're the human race, we somehow made this day all about food. People around the world will honor 3.14 by eating lots of pies, throwing lots of pies and posting lots of Instagram photos of pies. We truly live in a blessed world. To do our own mini-ode to Pi Day, we ranked the 12 most delicious pie flavors from delicious to "dear Lord I'm having a food-gasm." 

Here is the definitive ranking of our favorite sweet pie flavors. If you care to disagree with us or think we forgot an important pie variety, please let us know and then ship us a free pie so we can eat it.

12. Key lime pie

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How can you not love something that looks so green? It's almost an unnatural shade of green, but that's probably what makes it delicious.

11. Pecan pie

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For those who need a buttload of pecans in their mouths at a single time.

10. Strawberry rhubarb pie

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Who knew rhubarb could become so delicious just by simply combining it with a beloved fruit? 

9. Cherry pie

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You are singing Warrant's "Cherry Pie" right now. And for the rest of the day. You are welcome.

8. Lemon meringue pie

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Meringue is definitely made up of angel wings. Or are angel wings made of meringue? Either way, it's scrumptious, especially when paired with something tart like lemon. 

7. Blueberry pie

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If you're eating this pie right, then your mouth is blue and that just adds to the experience.

6. Pumpkin pie

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Hey, you don't need to wait around for Thanksgiving to make one of these. There are no rules when it comes to pie!

5. Peanut butter pie

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Turn the yummy factor up to 11 with a chocolate crust on the peanut butter pie and our hearts will be yours forever.

4. Chocolate cream pie

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Chocolate makes everything better, and when it's in pie form, we are literally the happiest we'll ever be when we're eating it.

3. Grasshopper pie

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Chocolate and mint together at last! Just kidding, we've been putting those two flavors together for eons but it doesn't make the grasshopper pie any less wonderful.

2. Apple pie

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Game changer! Apple pie is not our favorite pie, though it's definitely a close second, especially if it comes with vanilla ice cream. Eating warm apple pie with ice cream melting all over the top is a life-changing moment. Also, nobody make the American Pie joke, here! This is a PG-13 list.

1. Banana cream pie

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That's right! We're bananas for this dessert! (Get it? Puns are fun). Fresh bananas, a crumbly crust and a sweet, whipped topping? This is why Pi Day was invented.

Now go out there and get your pie on! If you think you should include math in some way during your celebration, just count the number of slices you inhale out loud.

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