
Matthew Perry Promises The Odd Couple Isn't Just Friends' Joey and Chandler 2.0

Watch the new co-stars describe their new opposites-attract BFFs!

By Kristin Dos Santos, Sydney Bucksbaum Feb 19, 2015 9:00 PMTags

CBS' new Odd Couple reboot still has the original DNA that made the sitcom such a huge hit the first time around: the opposites-attract BFF/roommates Oscar and Felix.

Oscar (played by Friends alum Matthew Perry) is the lazy, sarcastic slob, while Felix (Thomas Lennon) is the uptight, obsessively clean perfectionist. Put them together in one apartment, sit back and watch the fireworks fly.

But even though that best friend duo sounds a lot like Friends' fan-favorite roommates Chandler (Perry) and Joey (Matt LeBlanc), don't assume that The Odd Couple is going to be Friends 2.0.

Michael Yarish/CBS

When E! News sat down with Perry and Lennon, they explained why Oscar and Felix are not just another version of Chandler and Joey, because of the way the roommates feel about each other.

"When you were casting Felix," Lennon says of his role, "you were looking for just a persnickety, someone who drives you just a little bit crazy."

And according to both Lennon and Perry, The Odd Couple's characters are also "totally different."

But that didn't stop the two sitcom stars from joking around about the similarities between the two shows either! Press play on the video above now to watch the full interview!

The Odd Couple premieres tonight at 8:30 p.m. on CBS.

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