Jon Stewart Rejects Arby's Job Offer: "This Motherf--king Thing Ain't Over"—Watch Now!

Fast-food chain and talk-show host have had a long-standing "feud"

By Francesca Bacardi Feb 12, 2015 5:18 PMTags

Fans are mourning Jon Stewart already, and he's not even off the air yet. 

"Did I die?" the Daily Show host asked his audience one day after he announced his retirement. "It all seems very 'I died.'"

The Comedy Central star continued to joke that although he will be stepping down from his high-profile position, the job offers have already started coming in (#humblebrag). But there was one company in particular who really stuck out, not only because of their method of offering but also because he has a long-standing feud with it: Arby's.

After years of back-and-forth between the roast beef fast food chain, Stewart once again turned it down.

"I do not accept your peace offer," he said. "We shall always be enemies."

But the Big Daddy actor had to give kudos to Arby's because over the years the fast-food chain has given him a run for his money. Ultimately, Stewart still believes he'll come out victorious.

"For while you are a worthy adversary, you will be vanquished," he joked.

The host continued to insult Arby's and it's "fake" food, saying, "It's truly an invented beef." Props to Stewart for making a pun on their feud! We seriously are going to miss him, but maybe the best way to honor him is to take a trip for some questionable beef.

Comedy Central

Summing up Arby's with a fantastic new motto, Stewart said, "Come for the tweets, run from the meats."

Although Stewart has several months left on the show, we certainly hope he continues the Arby's feud...or tries to work there for one day. But based on his retirement announcement, we think he'll probably be trying to relax at home.

"I'm gonna have dinner on a school night with my family, who I have heard, from multiple sources, are lovely people," he joked. 

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