The Walking Dead Midseason Premiere: Who's the Newest Horribly Devastating Death?

The AMC hit drama is back and just as sad as ever

By Lauren Piester Feb 09, 2015 4:30 AMTags
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Well that was weird. And amazing. And horribly, terribly sad.

We should have become used to saying goodbye with this show by now, but there are many deaths that still devastate us, and that includes Tyreese (Chad Coleman).

The gang's resident protector met his end tonight after being bitten on the arm, and he spent almost the entire episode hallucinating all of his dead friends and enemies as he died, as if his death alone weren't enough to make us sob uncontrollably.

Tyreese, Rick, Michonne, Glenn, and Noah had decided to check out Noah's neighborhood, which the kid believed would still be safe. Unfortunately, he was wrong. They could tell as soon as they arrived that the place was ravaged with walkers.

While Rick, Michonne, and Glenn took off to do a quick sweep, Tyreese stayed with Noah, who was understandably quite emotionally distraught. The poor kid took off at one point towards his old house, but Tyreese caught up with him and they went in together. 

Noah's family was clearly dead, and his house was a wreck. Tyreese found Noah's brother dead in a bed, and took a moment to look at a wall of pictures of the boys. Unfortunately, his back was turned just a little too long, and just as Tyreese realized the boy in the bed was a twin, that twin came at him from behind, and got him in the arm.

The rest of the episode was mostly filled with Tyreese lying on the floor and getting mildly nonsensical advice from some dearly departed like Bob, Beth, Lizzie, Mika, that one Terminus dude that Tyreese didn't kill, and the Governor. Occasionally, Beth and her guitar provided some background music, and it just made everything sadder, though also more beautiful.

Michonne did manage to cut off Tyreese's infected arm, and they got him into the car and down the road a bit, but Tyreese was basically already gone. The episode ended with Father Gabriel presiding over his funeral, complete with Tyreese's hat on a cross, while we cried like big 'ol babies.

We could have done without the Governor showing up, but otherwise, that was a beautiful goodbye to one of our favorite characters.

Check out our gallery of The Walking Dead's most important deaths to find out where Tyreese ranks, and then head to the comments to let us know what you thought of the episode!

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